Packaging and recycling

100% recycled bottle
Out of respect for nature – 100% recycled Jana bottle
Water from Jana’s spring travels to the surface and to our bottling plant in the beautiful landscape of Gorica Svetojanska from a depth of 800 metres. We respect nature and appreciate its gift, so we’ve decided to implement sustainable packaging. This results in a 0.5l Jana bottle made from 100% recycled materials. This step towards a better and sustainable future is a confirmation of our dedication to Corporate Social Responsibility, while striving to provide our consumers with a product in an eco-friendly packaging.

What is rPET?
Recycled plastic or rPET entails plastic being reused in the production of new bottles. Reuse of materials is the foundation of the circular model of economy. rPET helps reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in nature – production of a plastic bottle made from 100% recycled material requires on average 75% less energy compared to the production of a plastic bottle made from new raw material.
How is the 100% recycled Jana water bottle made?
Jana’s journey from a depth of 800 m is not ended. Jana set out on a new journey through a circular model:

odlaganje boce u žutu kantu / vreću prvi je korak prema recikliranju i ponovnoj uporabi
svaka reciklirana boca prolazi kroz proces usitnjavanja u pahuljice.

Sitne pahuljice
dobivene sitne pahuljice pretvaraju se u PET granule
od dobivenih granula formira se novi PET predoblik
Rezultat je rPET boca od 100% reciklirane plastike

PET bottles weight reduction
Less is more – we are reducing PET bottles weight
Led by the idea of compliance with Goal 12 of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, related to responsible consumption and production, we are continuously working on the reduction of the grammage of our PET bottles, so we turned the reduction of the amount of plastic we use into one the main goals of the Beverages Group sustainability strategy.
We’ve embarked the packaging of our best-known brands – Jamnica, Sarajevski kiseljak and Mg Mivela – on a weight loss programme and reduced the grammage of their plastic packaging in various volumes.

Reduction of the amount of municipal waste
Zero Waste to Landfill
We believe that change begins from ourselves. This is why we’ve opted for smart waste management by way of a pilot project of reducing the total amount of municipal waste at the site of Jamnica’s production plant. As part of the project, recycle bins have been installed for different sorts of waste, efforts have been made to raise the employees’ awareness on the importance of proper waste segregation, while our waste segregation system is continuously being improved. It is our intention in the upcoming period to also implement this project in our other production plants. The end goal of the Zero Waste to Landfill project is to use proper segregation of various sorts of waste as a way of making sure that no waste ends up in the landfill.