The five most important facts about water

vrste voda, minerali i voda, važnost vode, važnost hidracije

The five most important facts about water

1. Water is an integral part of every cell of our body:  

Water makes up approximately 60% of the adult human body, up to 70% of a child’s body and is an integral part of every cell of our body. It is essential for key physiological processes, such as its role in biochemical reactions, the transport of substances through the cardiovascular system, normal digestion, supporting the joints and protecting tissues and organs, and it is particularly important in maintaining normal thermoregulation. 

2. Water helps the elimination of harmful substances from the body 

Water serves as a solvent, both for nutrients that reach the cells via circulation, and for waste compounds in the body that result from the body’s metabolism. Water is indispensable in this process of eliminating the harmful components from the body. 

It is the key, and most common nutrient. This is why the recommended daily intake of water is considered an essential part of nutrition, which is particularly emphasised in what is commonly known as detoxification diets. In addition, adequate hydration is reflected in the elasticity, firmness and flexibility of the skin, and consequently its beauty. 

3. The human body may only survive a few days without water 

It is a known fact that the human body may only survive a few days without water – a daily intake of water is necessary because it is lost through physiological processes – urination, excretion, perspiration (sweating) and breathing. The recommendations for water intake vary depending on age, gender, pregnancy and lactation in women, and they are increased during periods of extreme ambient temperatures and increased physical activity. According to the European Food Safety Authority, the adequate total water intake for adults is 2 litres per day for women and 2.5 litres per day for men*. 

4. Our water intake is not limited to just drinking it 

It happens in a variety of ways: by drinking tap water, bottled water, various beverages, and eating food that, to a greater or lesser extent, also contains water. Analyses have shown that approximately 80% of water intake occurs by drinking and approximately 20% is water contained in foods*. 

Thus, the adequate daily water intake for a healthy adult person with a sedentary lifestyle living in moderate ambient temperature conditions should range from approximately 1.6 litres (women) to 2 litres (men) which is equivalent to 8–10 glasses (200 ml) of water from all sources. 

5. Natural mineral water is unlike any other 

Unique characteristics distinguish natural mineral water from all other types of drinking water. At its source, it is naturally pure, it does not undergo disinfection treatments, such as chlorination, and it has a coherent mineral composition. Moreover, it can have a specific physiological effect on the body, such as the diuretic action of water with low mineral content. 

Let us not thirst and neglect our body’s need for water, because insufficient hydration causes a variety of limitations in psychological and physical performance. 

Adequate hydration is essential for the normal functioning of the body, and the unique mineral composition and impeccable primordial purity of Jana natural mineral water is a precious gift of nature whose exceptional quality can be enjoyed every day. 

Remember, water is what keeps us going and ensures the normal functioning of all the bodily and cognitive processes, so the adequate intake of water contributes to the achievement of mind and body balance. 


*EFSA Journal 2010; 8(3):1459
EFBW (2011) Water and Hydration Lessons: The scientific Basics of Water and Hydration.

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